Republicans’ plan to extend the debt ceiling for three months could be common sense returning to the right, or an elaborate game to put America through at least four debt limit fights per year instead of just one.
Sites claiming that a new poll shows up to 64% of Republicans are birthers is flawed in too many ways to take seriously.
The states of Texas and Wyoming are in various stages of giving themselves the unconstitutional and secessionist power to arrest federal agents for enforcing federal law.
Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans want certain people like the mentally ill banned from owning guns, but doesn’t that end forever the argument that we have an absolute right to bare arms?
Everything you need to know about the platinum coin idea that nobody is telling you.
The GOP’s increasing reliance on delusional conspiracy theorists to remain competitive with the Democratic Party.
Did you know that it’s a stone cold fact that the second amendment was never meant to be a universal right to guns?
Barney Frank’s appointment to fill John Kerry’s soon-to-be vacated Senate seat may end up in smoke because if quantifiable idiocy.
A short history lesson to remind everyone that the sequester is the result of 50 years of broken promises by the GOP to massively cut spending.
Dick Morris, who is wrong about literally everything, tries to explain why Mitt Romney lost Ohio.