National polls dating back to 2011 and the current electoral math show that Mitt Romney is losing this election.
Stories like this can be found everywhere, and aren’t particularly interesting or noteworthy. But as many as there are, they really do make me wonder sometimes just how naive people are about the current state of this country and its economy. The national debate about who should be paying more in taxes, and how much, […]
Supposed moderate Republican Scott Brown introduces a law that would criminalize lying.
The attacks being lobbed at Chief Justice John Roberts by his former conservative supporters are far more interesting than the general debate.
A lengthy investigation of Fast and Furious by Fortune’s Katherine Eban largely exonerates President Obama, AG Holder, and the ATF, at the expense of insubordinate agents, uncooperative prosecutors, and weak gun laws.
The Supreme Court upheld the striking down of 75% of SB 1070, Arizona’s (GOP’s, really) controversial immigration law, for violating federal power.
A rebuttal to a story claiming bigotry on “the left” based on a poll showing significant levels of bigotry… amongst Republicans.
Some liars and idiots go too far to earn civility. Sometimes you’ve got to call an asshole an asshole.
Fact checking a supposed list of 15 “facts” (from the right) that Obama’s biggest supporters are supposed to admit are true.
Another month of good jobs news, another month of good news for Democrats and President Obama.