Coast to Coast AM sinks far below aliens and ghosts with sociopathic killer guests and soft anti-Muslim bigotry disguised as news.
A new poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans don’t know that the federal budget deficit is plummeting.
Let this be an example for the ages of someone talking out of their ass.
The second largest radio broadcaster in the United States is taking Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity off their air this fall.
The Amash-Conyers amendment to reign in the NSA failed by about 7 votes.
CIA operatives pretended to be health care workers in Pakistan providing polio vaccinations in order to gather intelligence on the location of Osama bin Laden, and intentionally didn’t properly give the vaccination to children and adults because they literally didn’t care about helping anyone.
The United States may be killing more civilians in Muslim countries with drone strikes than Hamas, an actual terrorist organization.
If the Egyptian military won’t let voters deal with the consequences of poor choices, they will never understand what democracy is.
Based on the storage capabilities already available to the private sector, the NSA could store voice communications on an unprecedented scale.
Glenn Greenwald teases an upcoming story about the NSA’s technical capability to “redirect and store” up to a billion phone calls per day.