When you drill down to the details of the 2013 Colorado recalls, you see less about outrage over new gun regs and more about the volatility of special elections.
Democrats are running ahead in NRA-generated Colorado recall, some health care and economic items, other stuff.
Republicans in North Carolina are moving to gut immigration laws to make it easier for illegal immigrants to take jobs.
Clinton Yates over at the Washington Post: Her bawdy performance, that featured Miley and other dancers twerking on stage, drew criticism as lewd, grotesque and shameful. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski went so far as to say Cyrus “is obviously deeply troubled, deeply disturbed, clearly has confidence issues, probably eating disorder,” on Morning Joe Monday. But what […]
The danger of stupid political rhetoric and the true cause of deficits.
What some people don’t understand is that the Trayvon killing wasn’t controversial because it was different, it was because this just keeps happening over and over again and nothing ever changes.
The biggest threat to the GOP’s power isn’t a Democratic wave in 2014, it’s a wave of unelectable Tea Party insurgents.
A House GOP letter in support of de-funding the Affordable Care Act is based entirely on lies and errors.
Taking a very quick look at the 2014 mid-term elections, and an even quicker look at the 2016 Presidential election.
We’re entering a new era of Big Spending and plunging budget deficits.