The GOP’s movement away from limited democracy; Dominance of liberalism in America.
Ted Cruz has virtually no shot at winning the Presidency in 2016. No Tea Party’er does.
The one graph that definitively ends the debate over “out of control spending”, and shows it for the myth that it is.
Both the President’s speech and Senator Rubio’s response were boiler plate — the difference is that America just rejected one of these visions not two months ago.
Link to watch the State of the Union (Feb 12 2003) live on YouTube.
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters appeared on Fox News to discuss the Obama administration’s controversial drone assassination program, and only managed to confuse and mislead people.
Dean Chambers, founder of the conservative “unskewed polls” movement, is back after horribly blowing the 2012 election.
PPP finds that Fox News once again is the least trusted brand in news, while PBS is the most trusted.
Documents from the Obama administration offering legal justification for due-process free assassination of American citizens have been leaked.
Settling the debate between “out of control spending” and rotten luck driving our massive deficits.