Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry stole a time machine, traveled back in time a few years, and accused President Bush Saturday of endangering U.S. troops by announcing plans to end the nation’s military role in Iraq by Christmas of 2011. “The last thing you want to do is put those men and women’s lives in […]
I support the Occupy Wall Street movement, which is why I said “our” and not “their” in the title of this story. But I do not pretend to represent it or speak for it. I also voted for President Obama in 2008 and given the choice between GOP-lite, and full-on GOP, I’ll probably take the […]
Two new polls highlighted by Greg Sargent will get little or no play in the “liberal” mainstream media, proving conclusively two things that should be immediately obvious to anyone who actually pays attention what the media says and does. First, there is no “liberal” media. Second, any news that’s not good news for conservatives and Republicans is […]
Occupy Wall Street threatens the Tea Party’s true goal: more Republicans running the corrupt government machine for their own political gain.
The Tea Party talked a good game about government corruption and the always shrinking list of civil liberties, but really only cared about replacing Democrats with Republicans in government,
When did criticizing and taxing the rich become a partisan issue as if the rich were synonymous with “Republican”?
Republicans turned a reliable voting bloc into a hated national enemy by overreacting to 9/11.
Nate Silver did something I’d been meaning to do for the last couple of weeks. He looked at the ratings for the top 2012 GOP candidates on Politifact to measure their relative truthiness. The first and only response I’d expect to the following information from conservatives is to dismiss Politifact as liberally biased, as part […]
Conservatives that dismiss polling results because they don’t like the results are easy to embarrass because of the ease of availability of pollster records online. Public Policy Polling (PPP) is criticized by the right (and no one else) for being associated with the Democratic Party, but the Wall Street Journal found PPP to be the most accurate pollster of the 2008 […]
Despite a negative job approval rating, Barack Obama is in track to easily win reelection against a weak and disliked 2012 GOP field.