The real threat of an unbound surveillance state is that it *doesn’t* need to listen to your phone calls or read your email to know everything that it wants to know about you.
The government is not powerless to seriously increase voting rights.
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory’s job approval rating is sinking fast and voters are strongly opposed to the conservative government’s agenda.
Five ways the Supreme Court could rule on same-sex marriage on Monday.
Edward Snowden met with an ambassador from Ecuador in Moscow sometime today, after flying from Hong Kong.
Edward Snowden answers questions for the public about what he did and why.
NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden conducts a Q&A via The Guardian on June 17th, 2013.
Claims that the leaks of Edward Snowden are old news that everybody will forget in a couple of weeks are laughably false.
An online Fox Nation poll, as if publishing, shows that 68% of respondents think that NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden is a hero for what he did.
With controversial provisions of the Patriot Act needing to be renewed three times since 2001, have attitudes in Congress changed towards the law?