Some liars and idiots go too far to earn civility. Sometimes you’ve got to call an asshole an asshole.
Fact checking a supposed list of 15 “facts” (from the right) that Obama’s biggest supporters are supposed to admit are true.
Another month of good jobs news, another month of good news for Democrats and President Obama.
The media makes Rick Santorum apologize for being mean to the President, while ignoring the extremist views that prompted the name-calling.
Gawker takes a look at the lunatic right’s reaction to Andrew Breitbart’s death: Mainly: OBAMA AND SOROS KILLDED HIM!!!!!
President Obama effectively gutted the mandatory-military detention provision of the controversial 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.
Yet another study confirms that states with majority-conservative populations take more in handouts from the federal government than they pay back in taxes.
CNN ignores dirty tricks and fraud by Republicans in Wisconsin to breathlessly report dirty tricks by Democrats in Michigan that only exist in their fantasy.
So two racists walk onto a Fox News set. One asks the other, “are you a racist?”
Looking at whether an ugly email sent from one user to another constitutes a crime, or just bad taste.