The Benghazi, IRS, and AP/DoJ “scandals” all have bad aspects, but none will amount to anything and none have been tied to President Obama.
Whose post-recession economy has recovered better, George Bush’s, or Barack Obama’s?
Virtually every modern conservative theory of economics has been proven wrong in the past four years.
The GOP’s harsh austerity remedy for the United States has ground the economy to a virtual halt, risking a Europe-style double-dip recession.
A summary of all the wonderful things that Republicans have been doing in North Carolina since winning control of the state government.
The North Carolina Senate, dominated by Republicans, voted to repeal a law meant to address cases where racism was conclusively proved to taint a criminal trial.
The North Carolina GOP is moving forward on vote suppression laws aimed at curtailing Democratic turnout.
The North Carolina GOP is moving forward on a pointless and completely unnecessary voter ID bill.
The North Carolina GOP is taking steps to protect non-secular prayers before county commissioner meetings by proposing legislation that declares the First Amendment doesn’t apply to the states.
Paul Ryan’s latest budget is just like all the rest, constructed with smoke and mirrors and not a serious attempt to address spending and taxes.